PT Abe Jaya Perkasa ( AJP )
PT Abe Jaya Perkasa has a concession area of 3.467 hectares and is located in, Kandul and Majangkan Village, District of Gunung Timang, Regency of Barito, Central Kalimantan. The concession is located approximately 150 km from the Palangkaraya.
PT Sekti Rahayu Indah ( SRI )
PT Sekti Rahayu Indah has a concession area of 2.659 hectares and is located in Santilik dan Santiung Village, District of Mentaya Hulu, Regency of Kotawaringin Timur, Central Kalimantan. The concession is located approximately 180 km from the Sampit.
PT Exploitasi Energi Indonesia (EEI)
PT Exploitasi Energi Indonesia has a concession area of 498.7 hectares and is located in Riam Andungan Village, District of Kintap, Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan. The concession is approximately 180 km from the Banjarmasin.